MongoDB Sharding Techniques

MongoDB Sharding Techniques Sharding is the horizontal partitioning technique used in MongoDB to distribute data across multiple servers. This improves scalability, performance, and high availability. Below are the key sharding techniques used in MongoDB:   Why Sharding ? MongoDB Sharding…

"MongoDB Concurrency: Ensuring Data Integrity in Multi-Application Environments"

When two or more applications are interacting with the same MongoDB database and performing updates, concurrency control is critical to ensure data integrity and consistency. Below are the key strategies to handle updates effectively:    Concurrency Challenges in MongoDB Race…

A Comprehensive Guide to MongoDB Vector Search with Examples

What is Vector Search? Vector search involves finding similar items based on vector representations of data. Vectors are numerical representations of objects, often derived from machine learning models.  By comparing vectors, we can determine the similarity between objects, making it…

MongoDB Schema Design - Best Practices

  Below are MongoDB schema design best practices: Understand your data and application requirements: Before designing your schema, thoroughly understand your data model and application’s requirements. This includes understanding the relationships between entities and the types of queries you’ll be…

CAP Theorem - MongoDB (NoSQL)

    The CAP Theorem, also known as Brewer’s Theorem, states that in a distributed system, it is impossible to simultaneously guarantee three desirable properties: consistency (C), availability (A), and partition tolerance (P). These properties are defined as follows: Consistency…

MongoDB: Schema Validations

  MongoDB provides a feature called schema validation that allows you to enforce a structure and rules on the documents stored in a collection. Schema validation ensures that the data adheres to a specific schema, preventing the insertion of invalid…

MongoDB Backup Strategies : Part 1

    mongodump and mongorestore are command-line tools provided by MongoDB to create backups of databases using the BSON data format (Binary JSON). These tools allow you to export and import data from MongoDB instances. mongodump: mongodump is used to…